

Contact Information

Dr Cliff Ooga Obwogi,

P O BOX 8271-0200, Nairobi Kenya

+245720022154, +254713940101

Fluent in French, English, Kiswahili, Kisii

Countries of work experience: Kenya and Somalia, Uganda

Work Experience

July 2021 - Present

The International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) – Karen


Research on contemporary issues in the realm of Peace and conflict studies/Applied Research.

Trainer of learners in Peacekeeping/Support Operations at International Peace Support Training Centre – Karen, Nairobi.

Trainer of Trainers in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR).

Facilitating United Nations Military Observer Course at HPSS-Embakasi, Nairobi.

Facilitation of Pre-Deployment Course for Kenya Quick Reaction Force (KEN QRF) to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at HPSS-Embakasi, Nairobi.

Facilitating the African Union/European Union/France Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Course held at Peace and Conflict Studies School Karen, Nairobi from 26 Sept-07 Oct 2022.

Developing a Curriculum for Master of Arts in Crisis Response and Disaster Management between 30 Aug-3 Sept 2021 at the International Peace and Support Training Centre Karen, Nairobi.

Developing a Curriculum for Master of Arts in Gender, Peace and Security Studies between 22-26 Aug 2022 at the International Peace and Support Training Centre Karen, Nairobi.

Developing a Curriculum for Master of Arts in Peace Operations and Conflict Studies between 29 Aug-2 Sept 2022 at the International Peace and Support Training Centre Karen, Nairobi.

September 2019 – June 2021

Kenya Defence Force – African Union Mission in Somalia – Burgavo Somalia

Battery Commander

Planning and conduct of Artillery Operations in support of D Combat team of 40 Ranger Battalion.

Training of personnel on provision of Artillery fire support at required time on target.

Training personnel on communication in the theatre of war.

Training personnel on surviving the threat of IEDs, VBIEDs and Ambushes in theatre of war.

Supporting the Officer Commanding in key leadership engagement of the local leadership.

Supporting AMISOM peace keeping initiatives and initiating new ones appropriately.

Supporting the Officer Commanding in the conduct of Civil Military Cooperation.

Supporting the Officer Commanding in peace enforcement whenever required.

Administration of personnel under my command.

Training personnel under my command on Combat Readiness and personal conduct in peace support operations – case study of Somalia.

Key Leadership Engagement (KLE).

July 2018 – August 2019

Kenya Defence Force – Close Operations Omar Jillo Mandera County

Officer Commanding

Planning and conducting operations against Al-shabaab and other local militias in Mandera County and along the Kenya-Somalia border.

Undertaking local Key leadership engagements to foster peace building, peace keeping and peace enforcement where necessary.

July 2018 – August 2019

Kenya Defence Force – Close Operations Omar Jillo Mandera County

Officer Commanding

Training soldiers on the conduct operations while in the theatre of war.

Training personnel on surviving the threat of IEDs, VBIEDs and Ambushes in theatre of war.

Conduct of Civil Military Cooperation activities.

Training officers under my command on leadership and command in operational set up.

Administration of personnel under my command.

December 2016 – 2017

Kenya Defence Force – African Union Mission in Somalia Mogadishu Somalia

Operations Officer

Tracking and reporting operations from sectors to Force Headquarters.

Prepare detailed briefs for Chief of Operations and Force Commander

Attend and record daily Force Commander’s Briefs.

Prepare daily power-point presentations for force commander briefs.

Overseeing welfare of soldiers in my battery.

Training soldiers in operations, leadership and communications.

November 2014 – December 2015

Kenya Defence Force – African Union Mission in Somalia – Burgavo Somalia

Troop Commander

Executed an operation to liberate Kuday town in Somalia in support of AMISOM’s Mission and Mandate.

Training Soldiers in Mission tasks as stipulated in Operations Order

Providing leadership maintain discipline to Soldiers in my battery.

Prepare daily power-point presentations for force commander briefs.

Training Soldiers in rules of engagement and International human rights law and peace support operations

Facilitation DDR (Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Courses) at the International Peace Support Training Centre

January – November 2014

Kenya Defence Force – Mandera County

Officer Commanding

Responsible for border security and operations.

Undertaking routine military tasks including training, coordination and communications.

Providing leadership maintain discipline to Soldiers in my battery.

August 2011 – December 2013

Kenya Defence Force – Gilgil Kenya

Unit Administrative Officer (Adjutant)

Assist in developing programmes like training for the unit (66 Artillery Battalion)

Responsible for Welfare of Soldiers in the Battalion.

Organizing deployments for soldiers.

Training soldiers in military communication skills.

Education & Training

2020 – 2023

Diploma in Certified Security Management Professionals (CSMP)

International Security Management Institute (ISMI) – United Kingdom

2016 – 2021

PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

December 2015

Master of Arts (Communication Studies)

University of Nairobi – Kenya

December 2010

Diploma in Military Science

Egerton University – Nakuru Kenya

June 2010

Cadet Officer Training

Kenya Military Academy

December 2008

Bachelor of Education (Arts)

Kenyatta University – Nairobi

Short Courses & Programs

April 2022

Certificate in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR):Principles of Intervention and Management in PeacekeepingOperations at Peace Operations Training Institute (POTI)
Certificate in Principles and Guidelines for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations atPeace Operations Training Institute (POTI)
Certificate in Methods and Techniques for Serving on a Peacekeeping Mission as a United Nations Military Observer (POTI)
Certificate in Commanding United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (POTI)

April -July 2018

Battery Commanders Course

School of Artillery Isiolo

January 2017

Staff Officers Planning Course

Joint Mission Training Centre Mogadishu, Somalia

September 2016

Public Affairs/Information Training – US Army

Military decision-making process – American Contingency Operations Training Assistance – (HPSS) Nairobi

Humanitarian Peace Support School – Embakasi (HPSS) Nairobi

July 2016

Force Headquarter Course

East African Standby force Jinja Uganda (British Army)

Aug-Sept 2016

African Contingency Operations Training Assistance AMISOM Multinational Force Headquarter Command and Staff Training Course

Humanitarian Peace Support School – Embakasi (HPSS) Nairobi

June 2016

Certificate in “Introduction to the United Nations system: Orientation for serving on a United Nations Field System”

Peace support training Institute

January - July 2016

Artillery mid-career Course

School of Artillery Isiolo Kenya

May 2014

Rule of Law Course

International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) Nairobi

February 2014

155MM Course

School of Artillery Isiolo Kenya

August 2013

Relief Operations - USA Army

Humanitarian Peace Support School – Embakasi Nairobi


Certificate in Advanced Level French

Alliance Francaise – Nairobi

July 2011

Young Artillery Officers Course

School of Artillery School Kenya

June 2009

Leadership development Training

Mount Kenya School of Adventure and Leadership

November 2005

Training on HIV/AIDS Peer educator

Kenyatta University I Choose Life Africa

Workshops & Conferences

14 – 25 February 2022

National Defence University-Kenya Faculty Induction Workshop

International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC), Karen, Nairobi

6 – 7 April 2022

Presented a paper at the International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) Save the Children International Regional Conference; themed Children and Peace. The paper was entitled Mapping Terror Groups’ Emergent Child Recruitment Strategies: ISIS, Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab in Perspective

Humanitarian Peace Support Training School (HPSS), Embakasi, Nairobi


Eva Guerda

French Teacher, DEFSH & International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC)

Professor Benson Mochoge

Kenyatta University

P.O Box 40688 Nairobi – Kenya

Professor Kennedy Onkware

Masinde Muliro University

P.O Box 190-50100 Kakamega – Kenya

Dr. Samuel Siringi

University of Nairobi

P.O Box 30195-00100 Nairobi – Kenya